Advanced Studies
When students no longer require the specialized services provided at Greenacre School, as determined by their IEP teams and meeting a behavior contract, they may move to our Advanced Studies program. Advanced Studies is a program designed to support students as they make the transition from a restrictive non-public school setting to a less restrictive public high school setting. The students are exposed to the curriculum and the expectations at the public high school. They are oriented with the school campus and introduced to their future teachers and classmates. The students will create a portfolio including their academic work, and a letter highlighting their strengths and preferences to present to their teachers. After completing these requirements successfully, students will usually start two classes at the public school. They will be enrolled in the Vocational Experience class and one academic class. Classes will be added as students acclimate to the new setting and meet all academic and behavioral expectations. Greenacre School will continue to support the students as they work towards gaining independence and success in a less restrictive environment.